Page 29 - e-Kongre Bildiriler Kitabı-II
P. 29
Uluslararası Covid-19 Kongresi
the last decade on our pisa test is actually happening in the rural areas.
Amazing progress that schools have achieved in those areas but you know it’s not often reflected
in the resources and in the equipment that schools have and after this pandemic that would be more
important than before at the close line in gaps now in the past you know teachers would be just looking
upwards to the principal and principle to the local administration the future is more about helping people
to look outwards to the next teacher to the next school to build Networks of innovation.
Sometimes we spend a lot of time you know to push ideas into schools we spend often too little
time to find good ideas in the classroom and to scale and to spread and share them across the educati-
on systems. you can see that here in the slide you know when you look at for example where decisions
summit. You can see and turkey schools are not the main driver of decisions.
The most decisions are made by you know the central government or the regional government and
so on. If you compare that with the Netherlands you can see suddenly that most decisions are made at
the frontline in the schools. Every day school leaders need to create new environments that help stu-
dents you know build their future.
Where the right balance is difficult to say but empowering people at the front line you know em-
powering teachers is a very important attribute of education performance. We can also see that in our
data you know where basically school leaders and teachers had more discretion over you know the use
of resourses the design of the cirriculum assessment policies you could actually see outcomes tended
to be better but you know the the most difficult challenge is actually the quality of teaching and teachers.
Quality of Education can never exceed the quality of teachers. How do we move actually to true
ownership of professional practice. What is professionalism really mean? Well of course it has to do
with the knowledge base of teaching to what extent do teachers own the subject they teach and have a
real passion for the content they are teaching. to what extent do their teachers and know how different
students learn that subject differently and to what extent do they actually know their students each and
every one of them with their families their backgrounds their social context that teacher knowledge is
so important but it’s not everything.
Teacher professional autonomy is also very important to what extent are teaches, designers of inno-
vative learning environments. Even that is not enough. Our data show that particularly the collaborative
culture in teaching is crucially important the extent to which teachers are connected with other teachers
work together to frame good practice. Let me show you this with some data. Here you can see the extent
to which teachers in Turkey collaborate. You can see to some extent you know teachers discuss individual
student results they collaborate for common standards and so on but if you look at the right side of the
chart things like observing other teachers classrooms are teaching together.
You know across different subject areas. Team teaching those things are still quite rare in Turkey.
But they are crucially important our data show you know where teachers teach more frequently jointly
as a team where they are more likely to observe other teachers classes and provide feedback where
they engage in joint activities where they take part in Professional learning. You know their self- efficacy
was much higher.
We also saw where teachers are more engaging in deep professional collaboration. They were more
likely to use effective teaching practices. And most importantly they were more happy with their job.
Professional collaboration is a tool for Teacher Effectiveness but it’s also a tool for being deeply satisfied
with their profession. Teacher knowledge teacher Professional autonomy a collabrative culture those are
the sources of 21st century teaching.
You know programs and initiatives rarely scale. It’s always culture that scales and culture is always
the Hallmark of effective leadership. If you want to achieve real change in education, don’t ask yourself
you know how many teachers follow your instructions. Ask yourself how can your teachers actually
Collaborate. And the last point i I want to make is you know something that pandemic has really really
- Davetli Konuşmacı- 29 Eğitimde Yeni Normlar-II