Page 30 - e-Kongre Bildiriler Kitabı-II
P. 30

Eğitimde Yeni Normlar-II

        brought to the Forefront that is you know our use of technology and education.
              In the past we also technology but mainly to conserve existing practice. In the future we need to
        use technology more to transform teaching practice and they’re amazing opportunities available. Arti-
        ficial intelligence provides us with new and Powerful learning environments. You know while you study
        mathematics on a computer.
             The computer can now study how you study and then make your learning experience so much for
        granular so much more interactive so much more participative so much more adapted to your individu-
        al learning styles. You combine this with assessment and exams in past you know we divorced learning
        and assessment we had students piling up lots of knowledge and then you know we asked them spit all
        of that out at once in a tes.
             Today we can integrate learning and assessment through digital technology. While you study you
        get feedback on helping students learn better helping teachers teach better and having helping schools
        to become more effective. Big data and learning analytics give teachers so much better information on
        how different students learn differently so that they can design and redesign their learning environments
        to actually educate students differently.
             This is the power of Technology as we have it you know after the pandemic and we have seen a lot
        of technological innovation. We have lots of social innovation. I think there is a great future fort his but
        once again you know technology is only as good as it’s actually being used. Turkey is quite well positioned.
        I should say when you think about these data is still before the pandemic Turkish teachers were quite
        active in using technology you have worked.
             You know two- thirds of teachers who frequently or sometimes always let their students use tech-
        nology for projects of classic that is a very very good result but stil you know one third of students is
        left out and tomorrow everybody needs to be doing this. We can also see in some other countries you
        know there is rapid progress catching up very very rapidly. So again you know this is something that we
        need to look towards the future.
             Now let me wrap this up when you imagine that future you know you need to reconcile you know
        opportunites and risks. How do we reconcile new goals with old structures? They need to modernize our
        education but also need sometimes to distrupt our old ways of thinking. How do you create globally minded
        students and teachers who are also locally rooted in their cultures in their contacts in their communities?
             How do we you know foster innovation while recognizing the quite conservative social nature of the
        education and the price you know and sometimes you know we as parents are part of the problem very
        quickly anxious when our children no longer learn what was so important for us. And sometimes we
        get more anxious when children do learn things that we no longer understand. Teachers sometimes are
        more likely to teach how they were taught than how they were taught to teach.
             And as a policy maker you know you can lose an election over Education when something small goes
        wrong but you are unlikely to win an election or education because it just takes so much time to translate
        good ideas into better outcomes. How do we realize potential with the existing structures? How do we
        integrate the virtual and the real social experience now? How do you reconfigure the places people that
        time the technology to educate young people for their future not our past. Well, I hope you will find good
        answers to these questions at your conference. Thank you again.

             Uluslararası Covid-19 Sürecinde Eğitimde Yeni Normlar

             Artvin’de düzenlemiş olduğunuz kongreye beni davet ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederim.  Eğitim için zor
        zamanlardan geçiyoruz. Geçen yıl 1.5 milyon genç Covid- 19 Pandemisi yüzünden okullarına uzaktan baktı.
             Tabi ki alternatif kaynaklara erişimi olan, dijital kaynaklara sahip olan, çevrelerinde destekleyici aileleri
        olanlar, nasıl öğreneceklerini öğrenen öğrenciler, işte onlar başarabildi. Ancak kendi başlarına gerçekten

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