Page 114 - e-Kongre Bildiriler Kitabı
P. 114
Perception of Pandemic and Pandemic Physics Education
This research aims to reveal the perceptions of students about “pandemic” and “physics education
in pandemic period” with the help of metaphors. This research was carried out in qualitative research
design. Research data was obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire form consisting of two parts.
In the first part, it consists of 3 questions including demographic variables. In the second part, students
were asked to produce metaphors related to “pandemic” and “physics education in the pandemic period”.
The participants of the research are 50 students who volunteered students attending physics course on
pandemic period. In the analysis of the data obtained, it was first checked whether the metaphors written
by the participants were valid. Valid metaphors were analyzed using content analysis, one of the data
evaluation methods. According to the findings obtained from the research; the participants produced 27
valid metaphors for the concept of “pandemic”. Cage life, helplessness, circle, and infinity are examples
of metaphors produced. 42 valid metaphors were produced for “pandemic period physics education”. A
hard training, a captainless ship, a muddy road, an inefficient field are examples. If we look at the final
outcomes of this study; we can say that the participants perceive the concept of “pandemic” as a cage
and “physics education in the pandemic period” as a captainless, challenging and inefficient way.
Keywords: pandemic: Physics education in the pandemic period, Perception